JANUARY 26 - APRIL 15 2023

Dreaming of Home is the result of a collaboration between photographer Wendy Ewald and students in Centro Romero’s Youth Program. The students signed up to work with Ewald in a photography workshop over the summer of 2020 and continued to collaborate with her through 2021. Participants expressed their inner lives through image-making and writing, while also reflecting on issues related to immigration, and exploring the neighborhood around Centro and others across Chicago.
During the workshop, students photographed in their homes as well as life around Rogers Park and downtown Chicago. They studied how to read and analyze pictures. They made fantasy pictures in the studio and drew maps of their parents’ or their own journeys from Mexico as well as authoring stories about their pictures and their dreams. This exhibition features the students’ own photographs and stories, made and recorded during their years working with the artist, alongside portraits taken by Ewald and the students.
The photography workshop was the genesis of the the Pueblo Unido Gallery. The mission of Pueblo Unido Gallery is to highlight the stories and issues faced by refugees and immigrant communities and will be used to elevate the creative works of Centro Romero and similar communities across Chicago.
Co-curator: Abby Winograd
Photos from the 26th January 2023 exhibition opening.

Photos of the exhibition installation.